Account Code
Please supply your AHDL or OTC Direct account number
I have a registration code
I don’t have my registration code and have an AHDL account
Security Code
Please supply the unique security code received through the post
Please supply 3 invoices dated between 2nd February - 8th February (yesterday). Please note invoices are normally 9 characters long and always begin with a letter. The invoice value includes VAT.
Invoice Number
Invoice Value (inc. VAT)
Invoice Number
Invoice Value (inc. VAT)
Invoice Number
Invoice Value (inc. VAT)
Email Address
Please enter your email address
This portal provides access to sensitive business information. It is therefore essential that only the account owner, or an individual with explicit permission of the account owner activates this registration.
I am the account owner
I have explicit permission of the account owner to activate this registration
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Terms and Conditions of Sale
Terms of Use
, and that we will process your data in accordance with our
Privacy Statement
. Please also see our
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